Our Services
At Kolkata Poroshpor Foundation, Garia, we provide treatment mainly for drug addicts and alcoholics. Also take care of people with mild psychiatric problems and along with that we have come up with a special care unit for children of different ages.
Detoxification Process
Detoxification is the base of recovery process of an addict or alcoholic. It varies from 3 to 4 weeks time depending on the status of health of an addictive person.
Proper diet and medication to start with and also slight exercises and physical training is also required to fix the physical crisis of a person. We follow proper diet chart during detoxification prescribed by doctors which may vary from person to person, depending on the nature of addiction.

In house Treatment
The recovery process is mainly done in-house with proper supervision done by our staff and volunteers.
The treatment is mainly taken through sessions like, motivational classes, discussions about the steps of recovery. Also writing daily inventory is an important part to identify ones problems and character defects.
We shoe you ways about maintaining a proper interactive routine of life that can bring change to a person for long term use making him a better person in life which is ultimately accepted by the family.
Counselling Services
A regular counselling program is an important part to open up an addicts’ mind in order to face reality.
There are two types of counselling, viz. one is personal counselling and the other one is for family. This is done to develop an understanding of the situation for an addict and his family for their betterment. The entire process is methodical.
Once the mind opens up then one can take a step to recover from this disease. This goes on for lifetime.

After Care Process
Aftercare includes developing a plan to help a patient make the transition from psychotherapeutic treatment to life after treatment. It also offer support for challenges that patients might face once they return to their daily lives after therapy.
Aftercare in counselling refers to a compassionate and empathetic approach where counsellors support and understand clients. Involving active listening, validation of experiences, and respect for the client’s individuality.
An aftercare plan may consist of one or more of the following types of support, such as: Finding supportive arrangements, such as sober living facilities. Attending self-help meetings. Establishing a support network.
What Our Patients Say