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Welcome to Kolkata Poroshpor Foundation

Kolkata Poroshpor Foundation is basically a drug and alcohol related treatment centre for suffering addicts and alcoholics. We target people from in and around Kolkata and it’s outskirts who are trying to stay away from any kind of addiction. This centre is mainly run by young and energetic  recovering brothers who are  already staying clean for years. Our ways of handling addicts are more realistic and we rely on therapeutic treatment care. The entire treatment process is based on empathy and fellow feeling along with the steps of treatment.

The treatment centre is located away from the hustle and bustle of the city and here one will get the opportunity to think about ones life and ongoing time along with the crisis of ones life and family. We also provide clinical support and our doctor visit is scheduled monthly and if there is an emergency then we arrange doctor on call. So if you think there is someone who need support then call us 24/7.

Our Main Focus

We provide dedicated service supported by doctors, recovering addicts and volunteers throughout the day and night. We offer full care to our inmates even  in any worse situation.

Detox Session

Detoxification is usually done in 3-4 weeks time and then the person is taken to the inhouse treatment program

In House Treatment

The inhouse treatment is mainly done through sessions like motivational classes, discussions about the steps of recovery.

Counselling Session

Both personal and family counselling is required for treatment of addicts and alcoholics because of low self esteem

After Care Treatment

A patient once released from the centre, should continue visiting just to stay in track of the process of recovering

Words from our Patients

Happy that my son is again going to college. Thanks to all of you !!
Mr. K. Das
Thanks to you as my son is finally smiling and enjoying time with us.
Diksha Mondal
South 24 Parganas
I will ask my son to be in touch with you guys. Thank you
Mr. S. Mukherjee